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A two-dimensional material refers to a material
whose atoms have a single atomic layer thickness and form a crystal structure in a plane

나노소재관련 연구장비 및 물품

젤팩(Gel Pak) 55*55*10mm
  • 조회 : 570
  • 작성일 : 2020/01/20
Gel Pak(AD-22CAS-00-X0)
Devices where direct contact with the top surface or edges should be avoided.
Devices that are handled with tweezers or by hand.
Multiple device sizes (no pockets) in same Gel-Box.
Handling small components or large assembled modules.
For your specific device sizes refer to Die Calculator Program for determining the number of devices per box type.

Gel-Pak 사의 제품으로 각종 웨이퍼 또는 샘플의 운반시 안전하고 편리합니다.